PerSo Film Festival

Website design and administration for the Perugia Social Film festival, which narrates the ‘social’ world under many perspectives, with a peculiar attention to the innovative languages of documentaries.

Itineranze Doc

itineranzedoc website

Website for ItineranzeDOC, a call for young videomakers located alongside many italian cities and supported by the main film festivals of the Country.

Ginko Film


Website design and animated logo for Ginko Film, a film/audiovisual production studio based in Venice, Italy, with a special focus on documentary cinema.

MINT nature museum

In the Agri valley, the ancient popular traditions are deeply linked to the surrounding landscapes and geological system. The Nature and Traditions Interactive Museum of San Martino d’Agri was created with the aim of presenting this link to the public. The same intention was adopted in the study of visual identity, declined in the museum panels, in the interactive applications, in the videos and in the projections created.